Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Too Easy

Don't do it. Don't believe them.
They can kill you in a heartbeat.
A nano-second is all they need.
The moment you give in, the moment they take from you
                                      Your life
                                      Your being
                                      Your will.

Who you are, they'll consume you
they'll take all that from you.
In that nano-second that you give them your heart
                                         They'll rip it out
                                                And cut
                                                And bite
                                                And feast
                                         They'll spit it out
                                                And drink
                                                And fight
                                                And never cease
                                             to stop torturing you
                                         They'll shove it in
                              your face. How weak you are
                                              How selfish you've become
                                              How selfish you've let them make you.

Oh, they'll change you alright.
                            But at the end of it all, if you
                            You'll be stronger.
                                   Better yet, you'll be one of them.


  1. waw, you're spot on and honest
    awesome piece, I've been here
    I was one of "them"

  2. They've captured me too
    Fighting seems useless, hopeless
    Faith to be restored, but we're in a never-ending barren wasteland of despair....
    Seriously awesome :)

  3. I might be completely off, but the ending part had me thinking of like a vampire-ish thing? If they get you, they'll change you and you'll be one of them...

    I like it. It's creative, thoughtful.
